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Can a National Park Prescription Improve Mental Health?

by Skye Sherman    •    June 24, 2024

Can a National Park Prescription Improve Mental Health preview

In the modern age, mental health challenges are increasingly prevalent. To combat this, healthcare professionals are exploring innovative ways to improve wellness from the inside out.

Is Sugar to Blame? Debunking 8 Common Diabetes Myths

by Skye Sherman    •    April 15, 2024

Is Sugar to Blame? Debunking 8 Common Diabetes Myths preview

While almost everyone is familiar with diabetes, not everyone knows the truth about this unfortunately common disease. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding diabetes, even though it’s a global issue.

Diet Drinks May Triple the Risk of Dementia, Study Says

by Skye Sherman    •    April 1, 2024

Diet Drinks May Triple the Risk of Dementia, Study Says preview

It’s an established fact that soda isn’t good for you, but most people associate drinking soda with obesity and health conditions related to skin issues, excess weight, and behavioral issues in children.

Coffee and Depression: The Unexpected Connection

by Skye Sherman    •    March 25, 2024

Coffee and Depression: The Unexpected Connection preview

Does coffee cause depression? Oddly enough, it depends on the person. You might assume that your morning coffee is one of the most reliable joys you have in life, but it may shock you to learn that some individuals have a different reaction to coffee.

Is Education Good for Our Health?

by Skye Sherman    •    March 11, 2024

Is Education Good for Our Health? preview

Is it true that better educated people are happier and healthier? Can learning really make us healthier?

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The purpose of the above content is to raise awareness only and does not advocate treatment or diagnosis. This information should not be substituted for your physician's consultation and it should not indicate that use of the drug is safe and suitable for you or your (pet). Seek professional medical advice and treatment if you have any questions or concerns.