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Smelly Farts: An Unusual Treatment

by Liubov Edwards    •    September 21, 2016

Smelly Farts: An Unusual Treatment preview
The foul smelling gas hydrogen sulfide, also known as the rotten egg gas is to be a part of new treatments for some of the most common complications association with diabetes.

What Colors Are On Your Child’s Plate? A Rainbow Can Prevent Cancer

by Carissa Andrews    •    September 19, 2016

by amarosy
by amarosy

Unfortunately, no one is immune to being diagnosed with cancer. It can strike anyone, at any time in their lives, and for myriad reasons. From genetics, to environmental factors, to even the foods that we eat (or don’t eat!). When it comes to taking control of our health, and reducing our personal risks of cancer, diet and lifestyle changes are essential. As we have children, this awareness extends beyond our own health to the health of the entire family unit.

Barcoding to Cope with Leukaemia

by Liubov Edwards    •    September 15, 2016

Barcoding to cope with Leukaemia preview

Using a “barcode” to blood or steam cells is going to make it easier to monitor and study changes that occur or change over time. A new study reports that many of blood white cells are only formed during the foetal period...

The Most Embarrassing Questions About Viagra - Answered!

by Rich Cooper    •    September 12, 2016

Viagra works preview
You’ve definitely heard of it, and hopefully you don’t need it, but have you ever wanted to know more about Viagra? There are some misconceptions and a few facts that everyone should explore.


The purpose of the above content is to raise awareness only and does not advocate treatment or diagnosis. This information should not be substituted for your physician's consultation and it should not indicate that use of the drug is safe and suitable for you or your (pet). Seek professional medical advice and treatment if you have any questions or concerns.