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Your Sedentary Life is Killing You

by Carissa Andrews    •    February 29, 2016

by Carissa
by Carissa
We’ve all heard it before. Sitting on your rear all day, regardless of why, is literally killing you. There’s even a name for it: Sedentary Death Syndrome (SeDS). Did you know inactivity kills more than 300,000 Americans annually? If SeDs were a true disease, it would be the 3rd biggest killer in the country; behind only heart disease and cancer. If you’re in an office job without an outlet for movement, you may want to take note. Obesity is skyrocketing at an alarming rate. According to the CDC, more than one-third of the American population is obese (roughly 78.6 million people). This isn’t just a US thing, either. All around the world, lack of movement is causing some pretty serious health complications.

How to Eliminate Zika?

by Liubov Edwards    •    February 17, 2016

How to Eliminate Zika preview

According to the World Health Organisation, The Zika virus is "spreading explosively", particularly in Central and South America. It seems there is not much has been done to stop the spreading of the virus.

Are you SAD?

by Liubov Edwards    •    February 10, 2016

Are you SAD preview

SAD, or Seasonal affective disorder has been accepted by medical professionals as a type of mental disorder. But today SAD is not considered as a stand-alone condition, it can be a symptom of major depression or a psychiatric disorder.

Stand Up and Be Healthy

by Liubov Edwards    •    February 4, 2016

Stand Up and Be Healthy preview

Using standing desks increases attention and better behavior of students, a new report reveals. Standing up while working can help to memories facts, digest reading material, solve problems and organize thoughts through writing. It also helps to fight obesity.


The purpose of the above content is to raise awareness only and does not advocate treatment or diagnosis. This information should not be substituted for your physician's consultation and it should not indicate that use of the drug is safe and suitable for you or your (pet). Seek professional medical advice and treatment if you have any questions or concerns.