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Sidestep Arthritis with a Better Gut Biome

by Carissa Andrews    •    April 30, 2018

Photo Credit: by Messi Lewi, Flickr.com
Photo Credit: by Messi Lewi, Flickr.com

Arthritis, in all its various forms, affects 54.5 million adults in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and of those, 43.5% have limitations on their daily lives because of it. It’s estimated by 2040, 78.4 million adults over the age of 18 will have been diagnosed by a doctor with arthritis. An astonishing two-thirds of those will be women.

Can Trump Still Repeal and Replace Obamacare in 2018?

by Carissa Andrews    •    April 9, 2018

Photo Credit: by Adam Fagen, Flickr.com
Photo Credit: by Adam Fagen, Flickr.com

Republicans came in claiming a mandate when they tried to “repeal and replace” Obamacare in 2017—but were handed a pretty swift defeat each time they tried to bring the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to the chopping block. Instead of a mandate, Congress found Americans to be spooked about health coverage, and rightly so. We pay more than nearly every other country in the world and by the looks of things, it’s not about to get any more affordable in the coming years.

Google Search: Why My Cats Sleep So Much?

by CANPharmacyKing    •    April 2, 2018

Google Search: Why My Cats Sleep So Much preview

How's your #BankHolidayMonday going? ... I just asked google why cats sleep so much.


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