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Surprising Health Benefits of Highland Whiskeys in Scotland

by Kristy Alpert    •    May 30, 2016

Kristy Alpert is a freelance writer and editor with extensive experience covering travel, food, and lifestyle topics for Canadian pharmacy drugstore.

It turns out toasting to your health may actually be beneficial for your health, especially if that glass is filled with a golden dram of Scotch. Derived from the Gaelic words meaning “water of life," Scotch has been found to hold a number of health benefits that range from heart health and healthy digestion to diabetes prevention and a longer life span.

Knock Your Socks Off: The Best Socks for Your Feet

by Kristy Alpert    •    May 16, 2016

Kristy Alpert is a freelance writer and editor with extensive experience covering travel, food, and lifestyle topics.

Courtesy by toesox.com
Courtesy by toesox.com
Your feet are the foundation for the entire body. Which is why when your feet aren’t feeling great, the rest of your body suffers. Unhappy feet can cause everything from calf tension and swollen legs to tight hips and even back and shoulder alignment issues.

Grab Your Sunscreen As Summer is Here

by Liubov Edwards    •    May 4, 2016

Grab Your Sunscreen preview
A new study reveals how mice can help to prevent the most dangerous type of skin cancers - melanoma. The scientists have developed a mouse model that can be used for testing effectively of sun screens. Before all the manufactured sunscreens were tested only in human volunteers or synthetic skin.

13 Incredible Viagra Facts

by CANPharmacyKing    •    May 2, 2016

13 Incredible Viagra Facts preview

Viagra commonly used for men’s erectile dysfunction and people have a lot of misconceptions about it. Viagra is considered as a sex stimulant although it has other uses too, apart from boosting the sex drive.

Check out this infographic below to see what are the incredible facts about Viagra you probably didn't know.


The purpose of the above content is to raise awareness only and does not advocate treatment or diagnosis. This information should not be substituted for your physician's consultation and it should not indicate that use of the drug is safe and suitable for you or your (pet). Seek professional medical advice and treatment if you have any questions or concerns.