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Is Your Dairy-free Diet Giving You a Vitamin D Deficiency

by Kaitlin Racine    •    February 13, 2018

Photo Credit: by NeONBRAND, Unsplash.com
Photo Credit: by NeONBRAND, Unsplash.com

You probably recall seeing ads and commercials with celebrities sporting milk-staches and the motto, “Got Milk?” It was one of the leading health campaigns of the 90s, led by the American Dairy Association designed to instill a lifelong habit of a milk-rich diet in the populace by implying milk will help you grow – and stay – big and strong.

What Are Homeopathic Products and Should You Be Wary of Taking Them?

by Kristine Cannon    •    February 5, 2018

Photo Credit: by Creative Commons Zero - CCO
Photo Credit: by Creative Commons Zero - CCO

Once upon a time, homeopathy products were a niche market. But now? Its grown into a $3 billion industry, according to the Food and Drug Administration figures.

And U.S. health officials are cracking down on a growing number of unproven alternative remedies.

The FDA in December of 2017 issued a new proposal for regulating homeopathic medicines, targeting products that pose the biggest safety risks, including those marketed for children or for serious diseases.


The purpose of the above content is to raise awareness only and does not advocate treatment or diagnosis. This information should not be substituted for your physician's consultation and it should not indicate that use of the drug is safe and suitable for you or your (pet). Seek professional medical advice and treatment if you have any questions or concerns.