Photo Credit: by KamranAydinov, FreePik.com
Sure, the scale is one way to objectively tell if you’ve lost weight, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. In fact, sometimes, the scale can even be misleading because the numerical value doesn’t account for other types of progress, like improved health or building muscle.
Since the scale doesn’t always capture the full picture of your health and weight loss journey, where else can you look for signs that you’re losing weight? Read on to learn more about signs that you’re losing weight and whether or not the number on the scale changes drastically.
1. Your clothes fit better
Who cares what the scale says if your jeans are fitting loose? One of the most obvious signs of weight loss is how well your clothes fit (or don’t). If you notice your pants feeling looser or your shirts draping more loosely around your body, that’s a sure sign you’re slimming down.
Did you know this could also be a straight shot to better heart health? Healthline explains, “Studies have drawn a direct link between your waist circumference and your risk of cardiovascular disease. Whether or not the scale says you’re down, a looser waistband means better heart health.”
Even if the scale isn’t displaying a significant drop, your clothes can tell you that you’re losing inches or perhaps changing body composition by gaining muscle and losing fat. Sometimes people even gain weight during this process, though their body is getting healthier despite the weight gain by trimming down and building muscle.
2. You’re no longer craving sugar
As your eating habits improve, so do your cravings. When you lose weight and eat better, you might find yourself craving sugar less and less. And, of course, reducing sugar intake will likely also help you lose more weight by stabilizing your blood sugar levels, leading to fewer cravings and a more balanced diet, and the cycle continues!
33Fuel points out, “As you gradually transition away from a reliance on carbs not just for fueling exercise but also everyday functioning, your carb cravings will diminish. The more we rely on carb-rich foods, the more they become our energy source.”
Fewer sugar cravings can indicate not only weight loss but also a healthier approach to eating, which will help keep the weight off long-term. This is partly due to the fact that our body runs better on foods that have more nutrients, like plant-based foods and healthy animal protein. Also, our beneficial gut microbes do better without refined carbs and prefer to feed on healthy foods. They produce byproducts that actually help to stabilize our blood sugar levels which causes us to also crave less sugar.
Still, in some cases, weight loss medications like over-the-counter Alli (Orlistat) or even prescription weight loss drugs like Xenical (Orlistat) may be necessary. Talk to your doctor about whether weight loss drugs are right for you.
These drugs are sometimes used along with a reduced-calorie diet to aid in weight loss or maintain weight loss in obese and overweight patients. This is especially relevant if they have risk factors like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or blood lipid problems. Medical supervision is required.
3. You feel it in your gut
It’s sage advice to listen to your gut in all areas of life, and weight loss is no exception. Changes in your gut health, including less bloating and more regular digestion, can indicate improved metabolism and a positive shift in your body’s ability to process food efficiently. In other words, weight loss. This better feeling in your gut often accompanies a cleaner, healthier diet and can be a precursor to weight loss or proof that weight loss has already occurred.
4. Your mood has improved
Weight loss and exercise can profoundly impact your mood due to the release of endorphins. If you feel happier, more upbeat, and less prone to mood swings, it could be a sign that your fitness routine and weight loss efforts are paying off, contributing to better mental health and emotional well-being. Whether the weight loss is making you happy or the increase in exercise is lifting your mood, the important thing is that if you’re feeling like you have a new lease on life, you probably do. Eating foods rich in an amino acid called tryptophan also helps to elevate our mood naturally since tryptophan is what helps our body make serotonin. Tryptophan rich foods include foods like bananas, walnuts, eggs and edamame.
5. Your skin condition has improved, and your face is more defined
One of the most visible signs of weight loss is more apparent, more vibrant skin and a more defined facial structure. You might notice more definition and toning around your whole body, but sometimes the face is the first and most obvious place. You might notice sharper cheekbones and a more sculpted appearance as you lose fat around the face.
This can coincide with improvements in skin health due to a better diet and increased water intake. This is when you can expect people in your life to take notice! You may start to get remarks like, “You look great! Are you doing something different?” or “Have you lost weight?” No matter what the scale says, the people around you noticing something different is a sign of weight loss.
6. You’re more hydrated
Increasing water intake often goes hand in hand with a healthy weight loss plan. If you drink more water, it’s a sign of good dietary habits and enhanced hydration, which can boost your metabolism and help your body burn fat more efficiently.
Whether you drink more water because you’re losing weight or lose weight because you’re drinking more water, improved hydration can be an excellent companion to weight loss. This is especially true if you’re cutting out soda and other sugary drinks and replacing them with more water instead!
7. You’re more active and less tired
If walking up a tall flight of stairs or taking longer walks doesn’t tire you the same way it did before, you’re likely benefiting from increased stamina and cardiovascular health, which is a significant side effect of slimming down. This sign is a direct outcome of regular physical activity, which not only aids in weight loss but also strengthens your heart and muscles. Start parking further out in parking lots and see if you don’t mind the little bit of extra distance.
WikiHow adds, “Regular exercise and a healthy diet rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein will give you more energy over time. So even though those first few workouts might be exhausting, they’ll pay off. Say goodbye to mid-afternoon slumps! If you’re feeling more energized, it’s a good sign your body's in fat-burning mode, even if the scale doesn't reflect it.”
8. Your mind is sharp, and your appetite is smaller
Weight loss and healthy living can lead to a sharper mind, thanks to improved nutrition and increased blood flow to the brain. Adopting a more nutrient-dense, lower-calorie diet can result in a naturally smaller appetite. You may find that you need to eat less but still feel satisfied, and you may desire healthier fare when you do eat.
Healthline explains, “If you’re losing weight because you changed your diet to include more proteins and fewer carbs and fat, you may feel full faster. That’s because the amino acids in dietary protein send a satisfaction signal to your brain — and that signal isn’t sent by eating the same number of calories in fat or carbs.”
Suppose you find yourself feeling full quickly and not feeling hungry even when you’re not eating as much. In that case, it’s a clear sign that your body is adjusting to a healthier lifestyle and potentially shedding excess weight along the way. Ensure you’re eating a balanced diet and being adequately nourished even while slimming down.
Losing weight without using a scale
Along your weight loss journey, there may be steps forward and back, and the numbers on the scale may fluctuate up and down. You’re committed to a cleaner, more active lifestyle and feel comfortable living that way for the long haul. It’s never too late to develop healthy habits that will help you live longer and feel better.
Sometimes, the number on the scale will be something to celebrate, and sometimes, it won’t reflect the hard work you’re putting in. As long as there are other signs of weight loss along the way, you can trust you’re on the right track! Celebrate each step you take toward your health and fitness goals.