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Xopenex (Levalbuterol)

Levalbuterol (Generic Equivalent of Xopenex)

Drug:Levalbuterol 20 Respules (Levolin - Cipla)
Dosage:0.31 mg/2.5 ml
Drug:Levalbuterol 40 Respules (Levolin - Cipla)
Dosage:0.63 mg/2.5 ml
Drug:Levalbuterol 40 Respules (Levolin - Cipla)
Dosage:1.25 mg/2.5 ml
Drug:Levalbuterol CFC free Inhaler
Dosage:50 mcg/200 dose
Drug:Levalbuterol CFC free Inhaler
Dosage:50 mcg/200 dose
Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Bolanle Aina on 9/12/2023 11:46:31 AM.

The medication Xopenex is an asthma medication prescribed for the prevention of asthma in people of 4 years of age or above. It belongs to a class of medications known as beta-adrenergic agonist drugs and acts by relaxing the smooth muscles of the airways. The safety and efficacy of this medication have not been shown in children younger than 4 years of age. You should follow the instructions of the doctor who prescribed Xopenex to you. Directions and dosage information can also be found on the pack or leaflet inside the pack. It is recommended to take your dose at about the same time every day. Do not change your dose without talking to your doctor first. While you are using Xopenex HFA, do not use other inhaled medicines and asthma medicines unless your doctor tells you to.

In a study, on A comparison of levalbuterol with racemic albuterol in the treatment of acute severe asthma exacerbations in adults. (2006) Richard Nowak a 1, Charles Emerman b 1, John P. Hanrahan c 1, Merdad V. Parsey c 1, Nicola A. Hanania d 1, Raymond Claus c 1, Kendyl Schaefer c 1, Rudolf A. Baumgartner c 1, for the XOPENEX Acute Severe Asthma Study Group. This study suggests that early, regular nebulized ß2-agonist and systemic corticosteroid therapy may reduce hospitalization and relapse rates in patients with acute severe asthma. Lev was well tolerated and compared favorably with Rac in improving airway function, particularly in those who were not on inhaled or oral corticosteroids and in those who had high plasma (S)-albuterol concentrations at presentation.

Manufacturer Information

The generic form of Xopenex also called Levolin is available from India manufactured by Cipla. The active ingredient in Xopenex is Levalbuterol. Xopenex is available as respules in the dosage forms of 0.31 mg/2.5 ml, 0.63 mg/2.5 ml, and 1.25 mg/2.5 ml. This medication is also available as CFC free inhaler in the dosage form of 50 mcg/200 dose.

Stop taking Xopenex and call your doctor at once if you have one of these serious side effects:

• Sudden shortness of breath
• Worsening of asthma
• Serious allergic reactions
• Low potassium levels in blood
• Heart or lung problems

Less serious side effects include accidental injury, sore throat, chest pain, bronchitis, runny nose, fast heart rate, dizziness, vomiting, tremors, pain, palpitations, and nervousness. Please call your doctor if you have any further concerns or questions.

Do not use Xopenex if you are allergic to levalbuterol, racemic albuterol. You should also consult your doctor, if you have heart problems including high blood pressure, seizures, diabetes, thyroid problems, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed. It is not known whether Xopenex passes into breast milk. Talk to your doctor about the best way to breastfeed your baby if you are using Xopenex. Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications especially other inhaled medicines or asthma medications, heart medicines, medicines that increase urination (diuretics), antidepressants, medicines used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


1. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/021730s039lbl.pdf
2. https://www.xopenexhfa.com/

Is Xopenex a steroid medication?
Xopenex (Levalbuterol) is a bronchodilator, which relaxes the muscles in your lungs.

Is Xopenex a rescue inhaler?
Xopenex HFA is a quick-relief rescue inhaler. It starts to work within minutes and makes it easier for you to breathe.

Does Xopenex affect your heart rate?
You may feel your heart rate increase after taking a dose of Xopenex. This side effect usually goes away after several hours after your dose.

Who should not use Xopenex?
Xopenex should not be given to a child younger than 4 years old.

The generic alternative is not manufactured by the company that makes the brand product.

The content on this website is provided by a third-party source. Canadianpharmacyking cannot guarantee its medical accuracy, effectiveness, or reliability. This site is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider with any medical questions or concerns.