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Preservex (Aceclofenac)

Aceclofenac (Generic Equivalent of Preservex)

Country:United Kingdom
Dosage:100 mg
Country:United Kingdom
Dosage:100 mg

Preservex (Aceclofenac) is a prescription medication used to reduce swelling and relieve pain and inflammation in adults with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis. Osteoarthritis is an inflammation of the joints, common in patients over the age of 50. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune response that causes long-term inflammation of the joints. Ankylosing spondylitis is the inflammation of the spine, leading to the joints fusing. The active ingredient in Preservex is Aceclofenac. Aceclofenac belongs to a class of medications known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works by blocking the production of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are produced at sites of damage or injury, causing pain and inflammation. Blocking the production of prostaglandins results in pain and inflammation relief.

Manufacturer Information

We currently offer generic Aceclofenac from the United Kingdom in the strength of 100mg tablets. The brand Preservex is not available.

Get medical help immediately if you have any of these signs or an allergic reaction while taking Preservex. The most common side effects of Preservex may include the following:
• Constipation;
• Diarrhea;
• Dizziness;
• Itching;
• Nausea;
• Rash

Contact your doctor right away if you have any of the severe side effects, including:
• Abdominal pain;
• Aching of joints;
• Breathing difficulties;
• Headache;
• Heartburn;
• High fever;
• Passing blood in feces;
• Severe skin rashes;
• Vomiting;
• Wheezing

These are not all the side effects of Preservex. Always contact your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms.

You should not take Preservex if you are allergic to Aceclofenac, any ingredient in Preservex, or other NSAIDs. Before you start taking this medication, tell your doctor about your medical history, especially if you:
• Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed;
• Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant;
• Are recovering from major surgery;
• Have asthma or other breathing problems;
• Have blood circulation problems;
• Have blood clotting disorders;
• Have bowel disorders, including Chron’s disease or ulcerative colitis;
• Have diabetes;
• Have heart disease;
• Have kidney disease;
• Have severe kidney disease;
• Have severe liver problems;
• Have stomach ulcer

Tell your doctor about all your medications, including prescription, OTC, herbal supplements, and vitamins. There may be drug interactions between Preservex and other medicines, especially those used to treat depression, heart failure, high blood pressure, or infections. Avoid warfarin, thiazides, mifepristone, hydrocortisone, or ibuprofen with Preservex. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Taking Preservex in the third trimester can harm the unborn baby and cause complications during delivery. This drug should only be used in pregnancy if the benefits outweigh the risks. It is not known if Preservex is excreted in breast milk. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed. Take Preservex precisely as prescribed by your doctor. Swallow the tablets whole with plenty of water. Do not crush or chew the tablets. You can take Preservex with or after food. Do not stop taking Preservex without informing your doctor. This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy. Do not drive or operate machinery when taking this medication. Store Preservex in its original container at room temperature, below 300C.

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The generic alternative is not manufactured by the company that makes the brand product.

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