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Norlevo (Levonorgestrel)

Drug:Norlevo 2 Tablets
Dosage:0.75 mg

Norlevo (Levonorgestrel) is an over-the-counter medication used to prevent women of reproductive age from getting pregnancy within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse. Norlevo should be used by women who had sexual unprotected intercourse without birth control or women whose regular birth control methods have failed. Levonorgestrel is an emergency contraception. It is not a substitute for regular birth control. The active ingredient in Norlevo is Levonorgestrel. Levonorgestrel belongs to a class of drugs called progestins. It works by delaying ovulation or preventing fertilization of the egg. The drug also alters the uterus's inner lining to prevent egg implantation. Levonorgestrel cannot cause an abortion if pregnancy is already established.

Manufacturer Information

We currently offer the brand Norlevo 2 tablets from Canada manufactured by Bayer in the strength of 0.75 mg tablets. The generic Levonorgestrel is not available.

Get medical help immediately if you have any of these signs or an allergic reaction while using Norlevo. The most common side effects of Norlevo may include the following:
• Abdominal pain;
• Breast tenderness;
• Dizziness;
• Headache;
• Irregular or altered menstrual bleeding;
• Migraine;
• Nausea;
• Vomiting

Contact your doctor right away if you have any of the severe side effects, including:
• Cramping before your next expected period;
• Painful menstruation;
• Rash;
• Vaginal discharge;
• Very heavy vaginal bleeding

These are not all of the side effects of Norlevo. Always contact your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms.

You should not use Norlevo if you are allergic to Levonorgestrel or any ingredient in Norlevo. Before you start using this medication, tell your doctor about your medical history, especially if you:
• Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed;
• Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant;
• Have a fallopian tube infection;
• Have a history of blood clotting;
• Have intolerance to some sugars;
• Have previous ectopic pregnancy;
• Have severe small bowel disease;
• Have undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding

Tell your doctor about all your medications, including prescription, OTC, herbal supplements, and vitamins. There may be drug interactions between Norlevo and medicines used to treat epilepsy, tuberculosis, HIV, or fungal infections. Avoid Norlevo with St. John's wort, cyclosporin, drugs containing ulipristal acetate, etc. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Norlevo tablet should not be used by pregnant women. Although, it does not end an ongoing pregnancy. If you become pregnant after taking Levonorgestrel, contact your doctor to check whether the pregnancy is ectopic. Norlevo is excreted in breast milk. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed. Refrain from breastfeeding at least 8 hours after taking this medicine. Use Norlevo precisely as prescribed by your doctor. This drug is only effective when taken within 12 hours and no later than 72 hours after unprotected sex. Emergency contraception should only be used occasionally and not replace regular contraceptive methods. Regular use of emergency contraception can increase the risk of hormonal overdose, which may disturb your menstrual cycle. After taking Levonorgestrel, take a pregnancy test if your next menstrual period is delayed by more than 5 days or if you experience abnormal bleeding on the expected date of your menstrual period. Norlevo only prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex. The drug does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, gonorrhea, etc. You may experience fatigue and dizziness after taking Norlevo. Do not drive or use machines if you experience these symptoms. If you vomit within three hours of taking Norlevo, take another tablet immediately. Keep Norlevo in its original container to protect it from light.

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