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Axid (Nizatidine)

Dosage:150 mg

Axid (Nizatidine) is used to treat ulcers in the stomach and intestines and prevent them from recurring after they have healed. Axid is also used to treat heartburn and erosive esophagitis caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus. Nizatidine belongs to a class of medications called histamine-2 blockers, and works by decreasing the amount of acid produced by the stomach. By reducing the acid, Axid helps to reduce stomach pain, intestinal ulcers and heartburn, and assists in the healing of ulcers and damage caused by GERD.

Manufacturer Information

Canadian Pharmacy King currently offers the brand Axid from Turkey manufactured by Actavis in the strength of 150 mg and 300 mg tablets. The generic version is not available.

Common side effects of Axid may include headache, dizziness, diarrhea, or runny or stuffy nose.

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice more serious side effects such as:
• Worsening heartburn;
• Chest pain;
• Pale skin, feeling light-headed or short of breath;
• Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)

Heartburn is often confused with the first symptoms of a heart attack. Seek emergency medical attention if you have chest pain or pressure, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, and a general ill feeling.

This is not a complete list of side effects. If you notice any other side effects not listed here, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.

You should not use Axid if you are allergic to Nizatidine, or similar stomach medications such as ranitidine, cimetidine, or famotidine. To make sure this medication is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have ever had pain when swallowing food, bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds, heartburn that has lasted longer than 3 months, heartburn that causes you to wheeze or feel like you might pass out, unusual weight loss, stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting, frequent chest pain, or kidney or liver disease. It is not known whether Axid will harm an unborn baby. Do not use this medication without a doctors advice if you are pregnant. Axid can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. You should not breast-feed while using this medication. Do not give this medication to a child younger than 12 years old without the advice of a doctor. To help manage your heartburn symptoms, avoid certain things that can make heartburn worse, such as lying or bending over after eating, eating late at night, overeating or eating quickly, being overweight, wearing clothing that is tight around your waist, smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating spicy foods, fried foods, chocolate, caffeine, or acidic fruits or vegetables. Axid may interact with several medications, especially atazanavir, dasatinib, neratinib, pazopanib, rilpivirine, selpercatinib, and siponimod. This is not a complete list of interactions, and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any medications, vitamins, or herbal supplements you are currently taking or have recently taken in order to reduce the risk of any possible interactions. Call your doctor if your heartburn symptoms do not improve after 14 days of treatment, or if you have worsening heartburn.

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